Saturday, 25 January 2014

Mmmmm.....sausage casserole

Mmmmm.....sausage casserole, yum yum, what a scrummy winter warmer!

Friday's [24th] foray into the hidden depths of the store cupboard and the freezer rewarded me with unexpected treasures....a small pack of Andy Creese sausages [frozen], and for JT a quartet of veggie sausages [also frozen]; the store cupboard offered up tins of tomatoes and chilli beans; and from the basket of home grown vegetables I chose onions, garlic, celery, butternut squash and carrots.
All were combined in a 'casseroley kind of way' two separate pots I hasten to add, so as not to contaminate JT's supper! [mine had the addition of the remains of a bottle of red wine, over from Christmas, which added a certain 'je ne sais quoi' to the delightful results].
All served up with clouds of the fluffiest, most divine mashed potatoes you ever did taste. Again, there's enough for at least two more meals....maybe next time I'll serve it up with mashed parsnips, or perhaps use some of the several packs of cous-cous found lurking in the back of the store cupboard.
Pudding was stewed apple and bottled plums served with a dollop of home-made yogourt.
I ducked-out of pudding....far too full of the savories to be tempted by the sweets, but JT does love his puds!

A tip for potential frozen sausage users....on their release from the freezer, the pork sausages had a rather unattractive wrinkled, shrivelled and somewhat inedible look to them, but after defrosting them in a bowl of cold water they returned to their plumptious re-hydrated selves, and tasted quite delicious!

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